Lung Cancer & Nodules Screening & Treatment

A lung nodule (or mass) is a small abnormal area that is sometimes found during a CT scan of the chest. These scans are done for many reasons, such as part of lung cancer screening, or to check the lungs if you have symptoms.

Most lung nodules seen on CT scans are not cancer. They are more often the result of old infections, scar tissue, or other causes. But tests are often needed to be sure a nodule is not cancerous.

When further workup is necessary, our doctors are trained in Navigation bronchoscopy and Endobronchial Ultrasound guided bronchoscopy. These are advanced bronchoscopic techniques that allow sampling of suspicious nodules and lymph nodes inside the lung.

  • ION Bronchoscopy

  • EBUS

  • Thoracentesis


Is my lung nodule cancerous?

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with a suspicious lung nodule or lung mass and want to know with certainty if it is benign or cancerous we want to share with you information about the Ion endoluminal system by Intuitive.

What is the Ion Endoluminal System?

Ion is the shape sensing robotic-assisted bronchoscopy platform made by Intuitive, the pioneer in robotic-assisted surgery with da Vinci systems. This novel technology allows Anil Magge, MD, our Interventional Pulmonologist, to biopsy suspicious peripheral nodules and masses. The Ion system features an ultra-thin, ultra-maneuverable catheter that allows navigation far into the peripheral lung, and with unprecedented stability, enable the precision needed for biopsy compared to traditional navigational techniques. It features:


The ultra-thin catheter and integrated vision probe provide the physician direct vision to reach all parts of the lungs.


The shape-sensing technology provides precise location and shape information throughout the whole biopsy process. The system holds the catheter in place for precise placement for biopsy tools.


The catheter can move 180° in all directions and the Flexision™ biopsy needle, a flexible biopsy needle compatible with Ion, help enable biopsy.

How Ion benefits patients:

Prior to Ion, one common method to biopsy peripheral lung lesions was to use a live CT scan imaging and a needle, entering the chest wall and lung from outside the body. However, this method of biopsy is associated with significant risk of collapsing the lung, which can require hospitalization for some patients. Compared to previous navigational bronchoscopy platforms, the flexibility and shape-sensing capabilities of the Ion catheter increase diagnostic capabilities, enabling a more precise biopsy. When used with lung cancer screening, Ion supports early diagnosis and staging of lung cancer, often with just one minimally invasive procedure.

Ion benefits:

  • Minimally invasive method for lung biopsies

  • Ability to biopsy nodules previously inaccessible

  • Capacity to catch lung cancer at an earlier stage, resulting in improved outcomes and survival rates

  • Marking lung nodules to make surgery quicker

What will my physician do?

If you and your doctor decide that robotic-assisted bronchoscopy is right for you, here is what may happen.

  • During robotic-assisted bronchoscopy with Ion, your physician guides an ultra-thin catheter through your airway to the area of your lung for biopsy.

  • The small, flexible catheter can reach all segments of the lung—even far into the outer lung.

  • Once at the location of the nodule for biopsy, the catheter locks in place. Your physician will insert biopsy tools through the catheter to take a sample of your lung tissue.

Talk with your physician to find out if you are a good candidate for the non-invasive lung nodule biopsy.